Thomas Deisenhofer
Principal Adviser in DG Competition, EU
Since January 2021 Thomas Deisenhofer is Principal Adviser in DG Competition in the European Commission responsible for economic ex post evaluation of competition enforcement and policy.
From 2011 to 2020 he worked as Head of a merger control unit in DG Competition in the European Commission and based in Brussels/Belgium.
He was responsible for mergers in basic industries, manufacturing and agriculture. He acted as case-manager in cases such as Glencore/Xstrata, Outokumpu/Inoxum or Thermo Fisher/Life Technologies. Before that, he held for two years the same position in the unit responsible for merger control in the fields of telecommunications, media and IT. He also worked previously as the assistant responsible for State aid control of Philip Lowe, Director General of DG Competition, and as a “référendaire” for Advocate General Francis Jacobs at the European Court of Justice.